get asked about this frequently, so I thought I’d do a post about
making the transition from bottles to cups. This developmental
progression can happen whenever you and your baby decide but ideally
is well suited to occurring between 6-12 months (12-24 months is fine
too, but can be a bit more difficult.) During the 7-10 month window especially,
your love bug has the ability to sit up unsupported, hold a cup, tilt
their head back, separate the movements of their jaw, lips, and
tongue, and drink from a spouted cup, a straw, and an open cup. They
are motivated to learn new skills and do things for themselves at
this age. They are also a bit more amenable to changes in their
routine than a toddler, so often the battle-of-the-bottle is not so
epic (and may even be quite smooth).
It's important to note that the transition from bottle to cup does not have to mean weaning from breastfeeding. You can continue to breastfeed while also transitioning to the cup by only offering water in the cup or by pumping and offering your pumped milk in the cup at table meals with solid foods or even by offering formula if you don't have enough breastmilk or are ready to give up pumping. If your baby is spending any time with a nanny or in daycare, you can work towards providing your baby's pumped breastmilk or formula in a cup instead of a bottle whenever he or she is away from you, but continue to directly breastfeed in the morning and in the evenings.
Lastly, if you notice increased
incidence of coughing and choking while drinking, this is a sign that
your child might not be quite ready yet or at least may need a slower
flow of liquid (so possibly a sippy cup with a no-spill valve instead
of an open cup, for example). Always follow your child's lead and
your intuition. If you find that your child is getting
constipated, this might also indicate that he or she
does not have the skill and coordination yet to take in the necessary
volume from a cup and should continue practicing while also receiving
bottle or breastfeeds for the time being. In all situations, if
something seems amiss, consult with your doctor.
Here are the 10 Tips for Transitioning from Bottles to Cup:
Start early. By this I mean like before your baby turns a year, ideally but also early like well before you actually expect your baby to make the transition. Starting before a year is helpful because toddlers are creatures of habit and
they love consistency and routine. Trying to break a 2 year
routine of bottles can be a big challenge. Also, starting early before you actually expect your baby to make the transition will allow your stress levels will stay low as your baby learns
this new skill becasue you won't be up against any time crunches to get the transition completed.
Start with a week or two of “cup play” before you put any liquid
to drink in the cups. Put a cup in the bath and use it to pour water
on your baby. Put a few cups on their play may and fill with cotton
balls or interlocking rings to let them practice holding the cup and
to familiarize themselves with it.
4. Consider trialling a few different types of cups. Lidded cups are awesome, of course, to prevent spills but that doesn’t automatically mean a sippy cup. You can try straw cups or sports tops too, even at 6-7 months. I prefer these to a standard "sippy" cup because sippy cups are a short-lived solution--a stepping stone--until you move on to an adult type cup (standard cup, a straw cup, or a sports bottle.) If you’re brave, forgo the lids right from the beginning in favor of an open cup or even a nosey cup (also called cutout cup, which has a cutout so your babe doesn’t have to tilt his head back to take a drink.) Either way, with a few different options, you should hit on at least one that your child has more aptitude for or more interest in.
5. Don’t push it. Have the cup of choice out at meals and let her play with it and drink as she wants. Let her reach for it and initiate. Once she does, feel free to help her manage it.
6. Try offering both water and milk (or formula) in the cup of choice so your child get used to the idea that many different drinks can be in a cup.
7. If you’re trying a sippy cup:
consider the soft spout that feels similar to a bottle nipple, which
may be more familiar than a hard spout intiiatlly.
removing the slow flow/no spill valve until he gets the idea that
something comes out of the spout. Once he starts sucking on his own,
put the valve back in. (Use caution with this method if your child
has any swallowing difficulties.)
your child hold the cup but you help tilt the cup back as needed to
take a sip.
8. If you’re trying a straw cup:
consider using one that has a slight amount of “give” in the cup
so you can squeeze it while they have the straw in their mouth, which
will push liquid up the straw. This will cause them to automatically
seal their lips around the straw and will help them understand that
liquid comes out of the straw. (Avoid squeezing too hard and flooding
them! Also use caution with this method if your child has any
swallowing difficulties.)
if she is not getting the concept of the straw at first, try taking
the straw out of the cup then use your finger to trap water in it and
bring it to your baby's mouth. Then let your baby hold the
other end of the straw as you remove your finger:
gives them the idea that liquid comes out of a straw. Once they
tolerate this several times, hold the straw lower when you put it in
your baby's mouth with your finger still over the other end to hold
the liquid in, and see if she sucks at all to get to the liquid. If
so, put the straw back in the cup and try again to let them drink
straight from straw/cup.
a short straw (or cut the straw in half) so that even a small suck
will be enough force to draw liquid up the length of the straw and
into your baby's mouth.
9. Once he gets the hang of a certain cup, start increasing the amount of milk he takes from this cup or even offer a full feed once per day in that cup. You can hold your baby as you would if you were going to give a botle, or if he doesn't seem to mind, let him sit up and drink. Meanwhile, reduce the bottle feeds by 1 feed per week. (If your child is a rock star, you can go at a faster pace than this, but this gives plenty of time to adjust.) If you your baby is under 12 months and you are breastfeeding, wean out one breastfeed per week but pump to give that milk in a cup, or just stick to water in cup, milk from breast until your're ready to wean. If your baby is over a year and you're ready to wean, wean out one breastfeed per week and replace with whichever milk you are using (cow, sheep, rice, almond, etc.)
10. As you get down to only 1 or 2 bottles of milk, if your baby/toddler is still super attached to the bottle of milk, consider adding small amounts of water to the milk that’s in the bottle, little by little to make it less desirable. Concurrently, give her the regular milk only in a cup. This should be enough encouragement to get her to make the switch.
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